Workshop at Apifera: "Emerging Crones" - doll making & wisdom

Sharing story and wisdoms, working with our hands and communing with the animals will open us up to inner perspectives and peace. Held in the workshop loft of one of the barns at Apifera Farm in Bremen, Maine. 

This is a 'custom' workshop-
Arrange to have at least four friends take the class. Email me to discuss scheduling.

Cost: $325 per person includes materials and lunch

Are you in a transition in your life? Are you entering your fifties, sixties, or older and feeling restless, stagnant, scared, optimistic, pessimistic? Are you seeking internal acknowledgement of who you really are in an older skin? Do you look in the mirror as you age and wonder who that is-or maybe you are unable to accept the changes?

As emerging crones, our lives have brought us experiences that can help others learn, and can also teach us about ourselves, and others. Sharing story opens our eyes to our differences, and similarities. Stories are rituals that have been here since our ancestors. In a society and commercial culture driven by youth, emerging crones might feel they are looked at as obsolete. We of course know that aging has wonderful qualities, and comes with sound wisdom. We do not lose value as we age, rather, as we ripen into crones we add value and insight for our own learning, but also for the wealth of stories to share with the outside world-and stories teach, heal, amuse and inspire. As emerging crones, we have gained empathy we might not have had as younger women, empathy for our mothers and elders, and our selves. When we bring emerging crones together at a table and sew....things will transpire!

9a.m. - 3 p.m. with farm roaming until 4 p.m. if desired
Apifera Farm in Bremen, Maine
Rain or shine
Adult class [no mates or children may tag along]
Per person $325
Class limited to 6 per date, minimum of four

Refund Policy/Terms
  • There are no refunds but if you cancel, you can get credit for books and art, or another class
  • In the event of an act of war or natural disaster or I as the teacher have a severe illness and have to cancel, I will refund your money in full
  • Driving directions/accommodations 
  • Wear comfy clothes, layers are good as we will be in the barn a lot and it could be nippy/warm
  • try not to wear open toed shoes since you will be amongst farm animals
  • Please do not bring a spouse, friend or child
  • NO PETS and do not leave one in the car. We have guard dogs, FYI
  • I will send followup email two weeks before class
  • Cell phones should be turned off most of the workshop
  • This is an adult class [do not bring mates or children]
  • No smoking of any kind
  • No sewing or art skills necessary
  • No gum chewing, but you may sing or whistle!

What we will do
  • Working intuitively on a wisdom doll that encompasses our dreams, fears, or hopes. 
  • Some might be drawn to create a human face, others might feel compelled to combine animal and human shapes. 
  • Your doll will develop organically. 
  • You might be creating your version of a crone you grew up with and loved and miss; you might create a goat because you feel as an emerging crone you need to be more spontaneous; maybe your mother or father will come to you in your doll's face; or maybe you want to create yourself in the doll because you are exploring the idea of what your face is evolving to be as you age and your looks shift.
  • Working intuitively allows us to work with the inner world we all have-and that is where your inner voice will speak with you as you work. 
  • Working with this inner muse and crone is one of the most beautiful relationships we can have.
  • And as we work, just like the old sewing circle, we will talk and share.

  • Main barn workshop loft- complete with stalls of animals below us
  • Pigs, goats, wandering chickens and cats below us- the animals are there too for anyone that needs a few moments to commune silently.
  • Opie the therapy goat might sit in with us if he behaves
  • Depending on the weather, we will begin with some silent donkey communing. Animals have a way of calming us, if we let them, if we sit amongst them in silence.

  • You do not need to have doll making or sewing skills. 
  • We will be using thread, needle, fabrics and wool fiber from our sheep. 
  • Each student will get a crude form that will help them begin their doll. 
  • You may also bring your own doll/stuffed toy and work from that with my materials
  • Some people might focus all day on the face, others might want to work on body parts too.
  •  I will be working on my own doll too and sharing some ways I evolve my forms.

  • I will provide all materials: scrap cottons/fabrics, wool roving, threads, socks and more. 
  • I will also be bringing nature to you- twigs and other natural items to be used as arms, legs
  • I will have fiber and natural hair from some of the farm animals. 
  • Or we might even choose to collect some things if it is needed for your doll.
  • The process will be intuitive, but I am not against you bringing a photo of a woman/person/creature you consider your crone role model-if you begin your doll with her in mind, and it evolves to something else, that is okay. 
  • I will also have other visual aids of animals too, and other dolls for inspiration


  • 9am- please arrive promptly! This allows us to get to know each other briefly.
  • 9:30 I always start my workshops with a quiet fifteen minute session of laying down of hands on the animals and if weather permits with the donkeys
  • 10-12 doll making
  • 12 - {light} lunch which I will provide; people can continue working too.
  • 1-3 more doll making; sometimes this goes a bit longer depending on the group
  • 3-4 farm roaming if desired

Made with a sock and fibers
Example of an antique primitively sewn doll
This student brought her feathers, she was taking flight

Inner children come out
Another very primitive antique doll


  1. Any chance you can do something like this online?

  2. Well, possibly, although I think one of the inspirations for this workshop is the 'gathering' aspect of women, sitting together in the real world. I might try to turn this into a workshop book somehow, in time.
